March Gardening:
March Lawn – Gardening Tips:
Think about lawn care supplies and equipment. Get your mower prepped and ready and begin planning or buying ahead for any fertilizer, sod or other supplies.
Be sure to check your plants for signs of rodent damage. Look for bark chewed off branches and tree trunks.
Raking out your lawn isn’t just for the fall. If the ground is well dried
after the snow, raking in the spring can help remove old grass matted
by snow mold and any accumulated trash. Raking also stands the
grass upright to allow air and light to reach the soil. This allows the grass
to warm, breathe, and begin to grow.
If you’re looking for expert advice or planning for any landscaping
services, this is the perfect time of the year to start. Give our experts a call
at 262-537-2111 for services such as landscape maintenance and lawn
care, landscape design or our garden center and Nursery.
Around the corner
With Spring right around the corner, it’s always helpful to
begin thinking about any landscape care you may need
after the harsh winter.
Officially Spring
While it’s officially Spring, we’ll still have to wait a bit to see true pops of
color appear. In the meantime, fill your outdoor containers with color.
Plant Spring annuals that can tolerate chilly temps. Pansies, violas,
Dusty Miller and many more are available now.
Cut back your ornamental grasses like Karl Foerster. After that, they’ll be
standing tall again.
Now is a great time to prune most trees. Consult our store or the local
county extension office for information on your particular variety.
Also, prune back Roses, Spirea, Hydrangeas, and other summer
blooming shrubs to get them shapely for the upcoming Spring season.
Be sure to check your plants for signs of rodent damage. In addition, look for bark
chewed off branches and tree trunks.
Evergreens such as pines, yews, and fir may have been dried out or burned by the winter wind and sun. As a result, their foliage is orange-ish brown right now instead of green.
Most plants will survive after the wear and tear of winter, but others may not. For horticultural advice on how to help your winter injured plants, bring a picture into Breezy Hill’s Garden Center. We have the knowledge and products that your plants need.
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Call Breezy Hill Nursery at 262-537-2111.
NOTE: Any of our sales associates here at Breezy Hill Nursery would be happy to answer your questions about planting and caring for your tree. Call us at (262) 537-2111.
Do you have Gardening questions? Please call or stop by our garden center.
You might also enjoy this post about common landscaping questions.

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