Perennials by Height
Perennials come in many sizes from very small to huge. These dependable plants return every year to beautify your landscape. They are useful in the landscape for several reasons. In garden design it pays to have plants return every year without a need of replanting them. For border designs place taller plants in the back and medium in the middle with smaller height plants edging the border, it's a great way to design with perennials by height. Although for a cottage style they can be interspersed haphazardly, but still keeping in mind the tallest should go towards the back. Very tall perennials can be used as a privacy screen blocking unsightly views or neighbors homes. Perennials are so helpful with many re-seeders and runners that continue to grow. You can eventually divide and replant to make many more perennials.

Under 8"
Ajuga, Bell Flower, Brennera varieties, Coral Bells, Dianthus, Geranium varieties, Hosta varieties, Lamium, Pachysandra, Phlox varieties, Sedum varieties, Silvermound, Thyme, Viola, Vinca Vine

8" to 18"
Asiatic Lilly varieties,Aster varieties, Astilbe varieties, Black Eyed Susan varieties, Blanket Flower varieties, Bee Balm, Butterfly Weed varieties, Catmint, Coral Bells, Coreopsis varieties, Coneflower varieties, Daylily varieties, Fern varieties, Geranium varieties, Grass varieties, Hosta varieties, Iris varieties, Lady’s Mantel, Lavender, Mum varieties, Salvia varieties, edum varieties, Shasta Daisy varieties, Veronica

18" to 36"
Asiatic Lilly varieties, Aster varieties, Astilbe varieties, Black Eyed Susan varieties, Bee Balm, Catmint, Coral Bells, Coreopsis varieties, Coneflower varieties, Daylily varieties, Delphinium varieties, False Indigo, Fern varieties, Golden Rod, Grass varieties, Hosta varieties, Iris varieties, Joe Pye Weed varieties, Liatris, Ligularia varieties, Mum varieties, Penstemon, Phlox varieties, Salvia varieties, Sedum varieties, Shasta Daisy varieties

36" & Higher
Perennials by Height
Asiatic Lilly varieties, Aster varieties, Astilbe varieties, Black Eyed Susan varieties, Bee Balm, Catmint, Coneflower varieties, Daylily varieties, Delphinium varieties, Fern varieties, Golden Rod, Grass varieties, Hosta varieties.
There are so many ways to design a perennial border by height and blooming periods.
NOTE: Any of our sales associates here at Breezy Hill Nursery would be happy to answer your questions about planting and caring for your tree. Call us at (262) 537-2111.
If you have gardening questions please call or stop by our garden center.
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