Roses are woody plants, but the flowers and leaves are mostly water. Without sufficient water, the plants become hardened off. The flowers become smaller and flowering decreases. During hot weather, the plants wilt and unless they can transpire, they cannot cool. Apply 1 inch of water weekly or when the plants wilt.

Most herbs are in full growth at this time. Use them fresh if possible. If you cannot use them immediately, don’t forget, you can always dry them.

As the temperatures climb, do not over fertilize your lawn. For optimal growth apply a low dose, organic fertilizer.

Cutting Roses
Cutting roses for the indoors: For the flowers to last the longest, cut them in the morning. The buds should be just beginning to open at the tips. Cut just above a “five” (a five-leaflet leaf) near the center of the stem, leaving at least two fives on the plant. Immediately immerse the cut stems in warm water, at 100 degrees Fahrenheit, with floral preservative. Place the vase of flowers in the refrigerator for 4 hours to harden them. Put the roses on display.

More July Gardening Tips-
- Apple scab can be found all over crab trees this time of year. Have questions about how to treat this? Bring a sample in and we’ll help you figure out what it is and how we can help.
- This is the time to cut back your mums and asters for a bushy, colorful show in fall. Also, plant those prize winning pumpkins.
- Pinch the stems of your basil weekly to prevent flowering. This will keep it from becoming bitter. Harvest about once a week.
- Remove the side shoots of tomatoes to promote plant stability and larger fruit.
- Unless you have an automatic sprinkler system, plan to have a neighbor water your flowers when you are gone on that summer vacation.
- Most herbs are in full growth at this time. Use them fresh if possible. If you cannot use them immediately, don’t forget, you can always dry them.
- When watering your lawn, remember to water on a rising temperature so that the surface of the grass dries before dark.
- Mulching can reduce water loss and keep weeds down. It is difficult to do in the perennial garden, however, because the plants are so close together. Be aware that a snail or earwig problem will be worsened by mulching.
- July is not a good time to plant shrubs. They can suffer from the heat, and they have a tough time making roots when the foodstuffs are being used just to stay alive.
- Blueberries and raspberries should be ready for harvesting at this time. Pick them as soon as they are ripe so that the birds do not get them first. You may need to put netting over the blueberries to keep the birds out.
- Shrubs should not be burdensome plants in your landscape. They should mind their own business with a little pruning and some water if it is dry. If they are taking a lot of time, they may be poor choices for the spot where they are planted.
- Do not fertilize trees at this time of the season. Fertilizer may interfere with the onset of dormancy.
NOTE: Any of our sales associates here at Breezy Hill Nursery would be happy to answer your questions about planting and caring for your tree. Call us at (262) 537-2111.
If you have gardening questions please call or stop by our garden center.
You might also enjoy this post about perennials.

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