Common Questions about Trees
How can I tell if I’ve picked a site with good drainage?
Start by digging a test hole that is as deep as your planting hole. Fill the test hole with water and watch to see how the water drains from the hole. If it drains at a rate of less than one inch per hour, pick a new site. If that’s not possible, consider installing some form of drainage to carry water away from the base of the tree. Also consider using a water-tolerant species such as:
- Red Maple
- Sycamore
- Willow Oak
- River Birch
How big should the planting hole be?
While you might be tempted to dig a very deep hole in fact, a tree requires a shallow planting hole that is no deeper than the root ball. However, it is very important to make sure the hole is wide enough. As a general rule, make the hole at least 12 inches wider than the root ball. Such a wide, shallow hole encourages the horizontal root growth that allows your tree to thrive.
Should I add anything to the soil?
You may be accustomed to backfilling planting holes with peat moss or other organic matter when installing perennials. When planting a tree, however, you should fill the planting hole with unamended soil (that is, soil to which nothing has been added). This ensures that the soil around the root ball has the same density as the soil the roots will encounter later, as they spread beyond the original planting hole. A marked difference in density between the planting hole and the surrounding area can limit root growth.
Do I have to do anything to the tree before planting?
All trees sold at Breezy Hill Nursery come with roots wrapped in untreated burlap, which will degrade quickly in the soil after planting. To plant a tree wrapped in untreated burlap:
- Remove any tags from the trunk and branches.
- Place the entire root ball, including the burlap into the planting hole.
(Make sure root ball is a few inches above the soil level.)
- Leave the wire cage on the tree.
- Remove any artificial/plastic twine or burlap. Leave natural twine and burlap on the tree.
Should I water my new tree right away?
After you have installed the root ball in the planting hole, partially fill the hole with unamended soil. Then fill the planting hole with water and wait for the water to drain. Once the water has drained, fill the rest of the hole with unamended soil and water again thoroughly.
How much should I water my tree the first summer?
It’s natural to want to water a new tree frequently. However, it takes a while for the roots to begin growing, and until this process starts, you can hurt your tree by providing too much moisture. To avoid root damage, water once a week. In times of heavy rainfall (more than 2 inches a week) don’t water at all.

Double Shredded Hardwood Mulch
Is mulch necessary?
You should definitely add some mulch, which helps prevent drying out and discourages weeds. But take care not to add too much mulch or have the mulch touch the tree trunk. Two or three inches are all you need. You can choose from organic mulches (shredded bark, cocoa shells and composts) or ornamental gravel. To prevent damage from disease and pests, push the mulch back from the tree’s base, forming a circle about 2 inches out from the trunk. Never use black plastic beneath mulch because it prevents the roots from getting the air and water they need. If you want an extra barrier to prevent weeds, use porous landscape cloth or Preen (a pre-emergent to prevent weeds from growing at all!)
NOTE: Any of our sales associates here at Breezy Hill Nursery would be happy to answer your questions about planting and caring for your tree. Call us at (262) 537-2111.
If you have gardening questions please call or stop by our garden center.
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